Strategic intent/plan
Rāranga Kaupapa

The world we live in and the future is ever-changing and at Pennington Consulting the aim of our strategic intent is to keep weaving the threads of that future into our current and present day to day work/mahi.

Our conversations and korero are about what we need to do differently to keep our collective business compass “due north” and pointing in the direction we want to be going.

We acknowledge that it’s easy to get out of step with the desired direction and that we can benefit from looking up to check our horizon and to make sure we are still stepping in the right direction.

We seek 

To partner through collaboration and face to face engagement to build community and strengthen networks.

To promote the authentic voice of those who use services in the design, operation and development of those services –true co-design and partnership.

To strengthen and support individual, team and organisational capability so that it can safely continue to flourish, flex and adapt in challenging times.

To foster and facilitate an understanding of holistic models of wellbeing which acknowledge all elements of self, family/whanau and community.

To instill hope, through a committed focus on people whilst holding close and focused on guardianship of the values.

Recognised for adaptability, working from a strong values base and with an inclusive approach

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